Hi, just a quick update on our new Pionus. We named him/her "Shasta"
after the mountain and white caps. She/he is the most precious baby and
to see Kurt's eyes when he looks at her, I just want to thank you soooooo
much for Shasta. Kurt took her/him to the vet for a well bird check up.
They did some tests. The vet really liked her/him and said she/he from
visual looks really healthy. Thank you both so very much for allowing
us to have her be a part of our family. Shasta is so adorable.
~Hugs~ |

Hello Mike & Sue
Just thought you might like to see Kenji, We purchased her from you at
the Hillsboro bird show. She is a great and loving bird with lots of personality.
We thank you for the opportunity of being able to purchase her. She has
become a great addition to our family..
Kim, Art & Cheyenne

Hi Mike & Sue
I have enclosed a couple of pictures I took of Precious last weekend,
as you can see she is happy and healthy, though one picture makes her
look stoned LOL. We went for her annual check up last week and we scored
an A for her condition and health as per Dr. Hillmer..thought you might
like to see one of your babies a year later : )